Kirk Hinrich, also known as "Kurt" to smooth haired Italians, was a very polarizing player during his tenure with the Chicago Bulls. Depending on who you talked to, Hinrich was either a glue guy who was a behind the scenes leader who played stout, on the ball defense with a lot of Thrust™ or an undersized, overpayed two guard who was over rated on defense and was the worst/streakiest shooter in history who represented everything wrong with the Bulls organization.
Now I will admit he was over payed and was a lousy shooter but I was a big fan of Kirk. Mostly because I think if I was to play in the NBA I would be Hinrich 2.0. He was just the victim of an organization that valued intangibles way too much and shelled out a hefty contract to a guy who never took a play off. Now he's shipped out of town just to get his contract off our books. Funny how the NBA works.